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H2020 – FET Open / FET Innovation Launchpad grant:
Project acronym
: MolShuttle
Parent project: 2D INk
Project title: Versatile Platform for Handling Nanographenes
(Project ID: 946223. H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-03 / https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/946223)

This project has received funding
from the European Unions’  Horizon2020
Research and innovation programme
under grant Agreement [946223].

Novel deposition technology for organic molecules opens doors for nanoelectronics:
In this project technical improvement and extension of the ES-CIBD platform is pursued to widen the application to additional chemical species such as nanographenes and to enable access to further analytical tools. The planned activities cover the development of a portable preparation port and the optimization of spray and vacuum components. Nanographenes (carbon nanotubes, graphen-based nanoribbons and other structures) play an increasing role in the design of sophisticated highly-functional ultrathin nanoelectronics and optics. The “MolShuttle” project was inspired by knowledge gained in the parent program 2D-INK FET aiming to formulate semiconductive inks.
(Project ID: 664878. https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/259844-novel-2d-material-design-for-more-stable-electronic-inks_en.html)

Status: ongoing